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Personalized nutrition: Enormous opportunities for the industry


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Clean Label and Free From-Food are only the beginning - in the future we will experience nutrition at a new level: in the form of products for a personalized diet that is tailored to the customer and his individual health goals. It is clear: it will be exciting!

The food and beverage market is undergoing revolutionary change. On the one hand, digitization presents new challenges and opportunities for sales and marketing, on the other hand, consumer values are constantly changing - and that very clearly. Consumers are becoming more critical and sensitive to the ingredients, as well as the source and manufacture of what ends up in their shopping cart. Taste and price alone are no longer the only criteria for decision-making: The need to optimize oneself and, above all, to improve health and well-being holistically. Food choices are increasingly important to health: as many as 57 percent of consumers around the world are actively looking for food that will support their health both mentally and physically. For example, according to a global survey of FMCG gurus, 50 percent of consumers have purchased a product with probiotic properties over the past 12 months. 38 percent of respondents said that they wanted to actively influence their digestive system.

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As a result, Personalized Nutrition will bring the greatest innovations to the food and beverage market in the future. At the same time, food is tailored to the wishes, needs and requirements of the consumer. The potential is enormous - experts estimate the market will grow to $ 11.5 million by 2025.

DNA test makes a customized muesli

For companies in the food and beverage industry, it is now crucial not to miss this train. Some are already conquering the market with their special concept: For example, at www.mymuesli.com, you can put together your own personal muesli online and have it conveniently sent home. Recently, the offer has been extended to include "personalized nutrition 3.0", which takes into account the tailor-made health aspect of the cereal: the customer can request a DNA and microbiome and blood sugar test kit and perform this test at home. The results are sent in and evaluated in a laboratory, and based on this individual data, the customer receives in the mymuesli app very personal recommendations for his ideal cereal, which is tailored to the body.

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Future trend of personalized nutrition

Even market -, trend- and food researchers are using personalized nutrition continuously. It is to be expected that trade will be reoriented step by step in the coming years. As Global Data points out in a trend analysis: "Customized products that are specifically tailored to the DNA profile or blood type of consumers will prevail. In this way, consumers can buy products safer and at the same time be convinced that this level of adjustment allows a better match to their specific health and well-being goals."

Flavour Drops: The innovation of AUSTRIA JUICE

AUSTRIA JUICE has also launched an innovative personalized nutritional product: Flavour Drops, developed for a customer by AUSTRIA JUICE, allows you to give your personal, individual taste as a non-calorie flavor concentrate to yoghurt and porridge.

The flavour drops are available in different varieties such as blueberry, mint, hazelnut or mango and can easily be combined with each other. For example, anyone can make their own favorite yoghurt from a natural yoghurt - for example, in the taste mix cookie with white chocolate, caramel with hazelnut or cherry with banana. The Flavor Drops are filled in small bottles and can easily be packed in your bag when you're on the way. And while conventional fruit yoghurt has been ranked highest in the foods with highest levels of hidden sugar, AUSTRIA JUICE's Flavour Drops make it easy to cut calories in a delicious and infinitely versatile way.


Personalized nutrition is the trend in the food and beverage industry par excellence. The market is expected to grow to a volume of over 11.5 million US dollars by 2025, an end is not in sight. For companies in the industry, it is now important to recognize this big trend and get on the train in time. AUSTRIA JUICE has already developed a start-up product: With the non-caloric flavour drops it is possible for the consumer to easily crown the yoghurt or the porridge at home or on the go with the personal favorite taste by adding one or a combination of different flavours.Sustainability Report


FMCG Gurus "Top Trends 2019"



TrendSights Analysis: Guided Health Guiding proactive consumers towards their personal health and wellbeing goals ", April 2017



Stefan BrendlerAuthor

Head of Sales Compounds


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